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Mikeyboy wrote:
probably an earlier leak, judging by the evidence offered!

haha, yeah, you're right.

Will the small piece of glass hold in under just the grip of silicone?
There isn't any seal to hold it in.


Sat 07 May 2011 @ 18:57 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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by the sounds of it mikeyboys hit the nail on the head as mine has carpet then wood then 1" insulation then fibre glass so sounds about right .
why dont you take the carpet up ? insulate with ali backed camping mats then sandwich another sheet of ply then carpet will give you plenty of warmth and keep you off the cab roof .
Sat 07 May 2011 @ 19:43 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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markm wrote:

Will the small piece of glass hold in under just the grip of silicone?
There isn't any seal to hold it in.

It probably will, though not a solution which might offer guarantees..
Why not see if seals direct or woolies have a profile which will suit-
a rough guide, measure thickness of glass (dimension 'a')
Measure thickness of the panel it goes into (b)
then find the difference or gap between the glass and the edge of the aperture.

That should give you enough to pick something suitable, which will look more pleasing than silicone behind glass


Sat 07 May 2011 @ 20:16 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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